A scavenger hunt is a great way to get kids aquainted to a new camp. They can be used for camp orientation or to get the kids to explore areas of the camp they have never been before. You can ask them questions about landmarks and get them to learn what the camp has to offer.
You can use TextClues to send the clues by text message, but just make sure you have cell phone reception at the camp!
Here’s an example hunt that needs a compass:
Clue: Head north for 10 minutes until you reach water. What’s the name of this creek? Reply with the answer.
Answer: Five mile creek
Clue: How many swinging ropes are attached to the tree nearby?
Answer: 3, three
Clue: Good. Now head west upstream. How many kayaks are on the bank?
Answer: 11, eleven
Clue: Good. Walk a little further and cross over the bridge to the other side. What’s carved on the top of the totem pole?
Answer: Eagle
Clue: Good. Follow the path and when you reach the fork in the road look down and tell me what’s growing below the sign.
Clue: Yes. Alright, go right at the fork and keep walking until you reach a clearing in the forest. What’s in the middle of the clearing?
Answer: fire pit, pit
Clue: We’re going to use that for the bonfire tonight. What kind of tree has white peeling bark?
Answer: Birch, Birch tree
Clue: Good. Find one and peel a bit of the dried bark off. We’ll use that for fire kindling later. Head to the flag pole. What year is engraved on the plaque?
Answer: 1973
Winning Message: That’s when the camp was founded. Now follow the trail east. When you reach the lodge go inside for lunch!