We’ve got more rhyming clues! Feel free to use these riddles in your next scavenger hunt, we hope your kids enjoy them!
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Refrigerator | I keep food cool before you bring it to school |
I keep food cold so it doesn’t grow mold | |
Lights turn on when you open me up, then you pour a drink in your cup | |
Bed | I am where you go at night when you’re ready to turn out the light |
I am where you lay just before dreams take you away | |
When you get up from sleep you always leave my covers in a heap | |
Tree | I grow up big and tall and lose my clothes in the fall |
I shoot up towards the sky and give you shade when you stand by | |
I stand up on my roots and can grow juicy fruits | |
Plants | I may not move but I’m still alive, I need soil and water to survive |
The air is what I like to clean and I am green | |
I grow very slow and could not survive in the snow | |
Boots | When it snows I help to warm up your toes |
I keep your feet dry when rain falls from the sky | |
You wear me when you feel like going for a hike | |
Coats | I keep your body warm even in a storm |
I keep you dry when rain falls from the ski | |
I’m very puffy and fluffy but I keep you warm | |
baseball | You throw me by my laces before someone runs the bases |
You catch me in a glove while you play the sport you love | |
It’s always fun when you hit me a make a home run | |
Pens and Pencils | You hold me tight when you are ready to write |
You use me as a tool to write in school | |
I’m full of ink and can record what you think | |
Paper | I’m usually white and on me you write |
You can write on me with lead whatever is in your head | |
Whever you think you can record on my with ink | |
Video Game Console | You are always playing me and I’m sure you would agree |
My games are fun and you’ve played each one by one | |
You know the names of each one of my games |