Are you looking for a fun activity for your Book Club? How about an end-of-the-year quiz based on the books you’ve read this year. If your Book Club chooses ten books per year from September through to June and you have a break over the summer, a book quiz night would make a fun evening for your final meeting, especially if you usually finish with a pot luck supper.
Setting up the questions ahead of time using TextClues will make the whole evening fun for everyone. The participants can enjoy an entirely unique activity where all clues and answers are completed via text messages.
So, now let’s go over the steps on how to set up your Book Club quiz –
First, make a list of books you want to include – this could be the ten books you’ve read this season, or you could include some questions based on books you’ve read over the past few years, or even famous first lines of novels. Then, decide how many clues you want to include in the quiz and set up the clues and answers online. This part is simple; just enter the information on our online form.
To add to the fun, decide on a prize for the winner – a good prize for a Book Club would be a gift card to a book store, everyone could put in $5 towards it.
Some sample questions might be –
Question: Who wrote the book Case Histories?
Answer: Kate Atkinson
Question: Which City was Bury your Dead set in?
Answer: Quebec City
Question: In which book was a valise stolen from the train?
Answer: The Paris Wife
Or, use first lines of famous novels as the questions –
Question: Call me Ishmael
Answer: Moby Dick
Question: It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
Answer: 1984
Question: It was love at first sight
Answer: Catch 22
The questions can be specific to your own Book Club reading list or be a more general knowledge book quiz.
Now you can schedule your quiz for the evening and sit back and watch the fun.