So with Easter only a week away, why not take a few minutes to plan out a super fun interactive way for the kids to find their Easter treats this year. Use a text message scavenger hunt to send your clues to any cell phone and the kids follow along finding hidden clues and treats. It is just like any other scavenger hunt but with the clues sent directly to the participants cell phone (if they don’t have their own, they can use yours) it makes the hunt more interactive. You can either give clues for hidden treats along the way or just have one big Easter treat at the end of the hunt, you decide.
Now the best thing about setting this up with is that with a little preparation ahead of time you will have the hunt all ready to go on the day. With this tool, you can even set up several different scavenger hunts that will start at the time you decide. If you have two or three children they can each follow the same or different clues and have a great time searching for their treats.
It’s so simple. To set up your Easter hunt, first, you’ll need to decide on whether you’ll give the kids a few treats along the way or a big treat on completion. Then think up some clues to lead them to a specific location to get their treat and the next clue. You should be able to come up with 10 – 20 clues without too much trouble.
So, here is an example of a hunt to start you off:
Clue: Ready to get some clues to find your Easter treats? Reply with Answer, “Yes” or “No”
Answer: “Yes”
Clue: Your first clue is hidden in a place that’s not far, go to the cupboard where Mommy’s clothes are.
(clue hidden in the closet says figure out this riddle – “The next place to look is always cold, with nice things to eat, maybe this is where you’ll find your Easter treats” text me the answer when you find what’s there).
(hidden in the fridge is a chocolate egg)
Answer: Cadbury egg, chocolate egg, egg
Clue: Well done! You’ve got your first treat, your next clue is waiting where you normally sit to eat.
(clue hidden under the seat says, now to test your knowledge, what is 10 x 7?)
Answer: 70
Clue: That’s great, you’re really starting to think, this clue says respond with the answer found under the sink
(under the sink is a chocolate treat with a note saying “tasty chocolate”)
Answer: tasty chocolate
Clue: You’re doing well, check out on the deck, behind the chair, tell me what you find there.
Answer: a book, book
Clue: Correct, now turn to page 20 and read the note.
(note in book says, go to your bedroom, look under your bed and tell me what you find there)
Answer: Marshmallow bunny
Clue: Wow, you’re doing so well, continue on this way, we’re having lots of fun, here’s a riddle for you – I’ll let you open me whenever there is sun, what am I?
Answer: A window, window
Winning message: Yes! Go to the closet in the guest room. (Chocolate basket or bunny is found in the guest room closet)
Have fun with your hunt, you can make it as easy or complicated as you like. If you want to add some educational touches to it, go for it. If your kids are older make the clues a bit more complex and more of a challenge to find. Have fun personalizing it for your family.
Happy Easter everyone. Go try our free demo right now!